A facelift is not a painful procedure. There is some discomfort because of the drains, stitches, swelling and poor sleep in the early days of recovery. If you suffer from significant pain, mild painkillers will be prescribed.
That risk is very small when using modern surgical techniques. In fact, it is more likely that you would have hoped for a stronger effect.
During the first 3-4 months after the facelift, your face is still a bit swollen, so the result looks slightly more beautiful than the end result (the so-called “honeymoon phase”). After that, the result of a facelift will be fairly stable for years, depending on physical factors that Dr. Wever will discuss with you beforehand. In (ex-) smokers, those with a lot of sun exposure, those with a thick skin, those with a heavy jawline, people who have lost a lot of weight, and people with a small skull structure, the result of the facelift can sometimes be disappointing. Gaining weight after facelift surgery will potentially provoke relapse.
The effectiveness and durability of a thread lift is of an entirely different order and cannot be compared to a face-neck lift.
Unfortunately, it happens that clients who are referred for a facelift by another clinic have the pricing of that particular clinic in mind when they visit Dr. Wever. This is not correct however. The prices we charge for a facelift do not change if you have been referred by another clinic. Please take a look at our website so that we do not have to disappoint you unnecessarily.